Sedation with Midazolam After Cardiac Surgery in Children with and without Down Syndrome

The majority of children with and without Down syndrome required additional sedation after cardiac surgery. This pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic analysis does not provide evidence for different dosing of midazolam in... read more

Sedation with Midazolam After Cardiac Surgery in Children with and without Down Syndrome

Replacement of Fentanyl Infusion by Enteral Methadone Decreases the Weaning Time From Mechanical Ventilation

The introduction of enteral methadone during weaning from sedation and analgesia in mechanically ventilated patients resulted in a decrease in the weaning time from mechanical ventilation (MV). A double-blind randomized... read more

Replacement of Fentanyl Infusion by Enteral Methadone Decreases the Weaning Time From Mechanical Ventilation

A Bad Sedation Package Leaves your Patient Trapped in a Nightmare

Pushing some ativan followed by vecuronium is no longer an acceptable strategy to manage post-intubation sedation. A good analgesia and sedation package is essential if you care about your patient's comfort and well-being.... read more

A Bad Sedation Package Leaves your Patient Trapped in a Nightmare

Conversion From Continuous Infusion Fentanyl to Continuous Infusion Hydromorphone in the Pediatric ICU

A median 14% fentanyl dose reduction was noted when transitioning to hydromorphone. Further exploration is needed to determine if opioid rotations with hydromorphone can reduce opioid/sedative exposure. A total of 36 children... read more

Conversion From Continuous Infusion Fentanyl to Continuous Infusion Hydromorphone in the Pediatric ICU

Balanced Opioid-free Anesthesia with Dexmedetomidine vs. Balanced Anesthesia with Remifentanil for Noncardiac Surgery

This trial refuted the hypothesis that balanced opioid-free anesthesia with dexmedetomidine, compared with remifentanil, would result in fewer postoperative opioid-related adverse events. Conversely, it did result in a greater... read more

Balanced Opioid-free Anesthesia with Dexmedetomidine vs. Balanced Anesthesia with Remifentanil for Noncardiac Surgery

Early sedation with dexmedetomidine in ventilated critically ill patients and heterogeneity of treatment effect in the SPICE III randomised controlled trial

In critically ill mechanically ventilated patients, early sedation with dexmedetomidine exhibited a high probability of reduced 90-day mortality in older patients regardless of operative or non-operative cluster status. Conversely,... read more

Early sedation with dexmedetomidine in ventilated critically ill patients and heterogeneity of treatment effect in the SPICE III randomised controlled trial

The Effect of Early Sedation With Dexmedetomidine on Body Temperature in Critically Ill Patients

Previous case series reported an association between dexmedetomidine use and hyperthermia. Temperature data have not been systematically reported in previous randomized controlled trials evaluating dexmedetomidine. Our... read more

The Effect of Early Sedation With Dexmedetomidine on Body Temperature in Critically Ill Patients

Analysis of Fentanyl Pharmacokinetics and Tolerance in Critically-Ill Children

Different weight-based fentanyl dosing rates may be required for infants and children of different ages to achieve similar plasma concentrations. Using SBS scores may guide the dosing titration of fentanyl that resulted in... read more

Analysis of Fentanyl Pharmacokinetics and Tolerance in Critically-Ill Children

Delirium Incidence, Duration, and Severity in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19

Delirium without coma occurred in 29.1% of patients admitted to the ICU. Delirium persisted for a median of 5 days and was severe. Mechanical ventilation was significantly associated with odds of delirium even after adjustment... read more

Delirium Incidence, Duration, and Severity in Critically Ill Patients with COVID-19

Perspectives of Ketamine Use in COVID-19 Patients

Hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-infected patients suffer from both physical impairments and mental stress. Respiratory insufficiency and cardiovascular disturbances require most of the intensive care... read more

Perspectives of Ketamine Use in COVID-19 Patients

Delirium Prevalence and Risk Factors for Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients

Acute brain dysfunction was highly prevalent and prolonged in critically ill patients with COVID-19. Benzodiazepine use and lack of family visitation were identified as modifiable risk factors for delirium, and thus these... read more

Delirium Prevalence and Risk Factors for Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients

Myorelaxants in ARDS patients

Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) inhibit patient-initiated active breath and the risk of high tidal volumes and consequent high transpulmonary pressure swings, and minimize patient/ ventilator asynchrony in acute respiratory... read more

Myorelaxants in ARDS patients

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning

The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of a new RN/RRT (Registered Nurse/Registered Respiratory Therapist) directed 2-step protocol to wean patients off of a ventilator. This protocol involves daily attempts... read more

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning Protocol in ICU

Approaches to removal of sedation and mechanical ventilation for critically ill patients vary widely. Our aim was to assess a protocol that paired spontaneous awakening trials (SATs)—ie, daily interruption of sedatives—with... read more

Efficacy and Safety of a Paired Sedation and Ventilator Weaning Protocol in ICU

Automated vs. Conventional Ventilation in the ICU

Automated ventilation (AV) appears to reduce the incidence and severity of blood oxygen desaturation during daily nursing procedures (DNPs) in comparison to Conventional Ventilation (CV). Of the 265 included patients,... read more

Automated vs. Conventional Ventilation in the ICU

Comparing Procedural Amnesia and Respiratory Depression vs. MS and DS with Propofol

Targeting moderate sedation (MS) or deep sedation (DS) did not reliably result in the intended sedation level. Targeting MS, however, resulted in a lower rate of total AREs and fewer patients had multiple AREs with no difference... read more

Comparing Procedural Amnesia and Respiratory Depression vs. MS and DS with Propofol

Working in ICU is like Flying a Plane: The Secret World of Intensive Care

Stepping on to the ICU during this period was like entering another world. In a way intensive care has always seemed like a place removed from life outside said Mike Brunner, an intensive care doctor at Northwick Park hospital... read more

Working in ICU is like Flying a Plane: The Secret World of Intensive Care

Dexmedetomidine for Prolonged Sedation in the PICU

High-quality data on dexmedetomidine use for prolonged sedation and a consensus on correct dosing and weaning protocols in children are currently missing. Infusion of dexmedetomidine can be considered relatively safe in pediatrics... read more

Dexmedetomidine for Prolonged Sedation in the PICU

Procedural Sedation in the COVID-19 Era

Resuming procedural sedation services for elective procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic requires unique considerations to ensure safety for patients and providers. Guidelines for resuming these procedures, including timing,... read more

Procedural Sedation in the COVID-19 Era

Transpulmonary Thermodilution Detects Rapid and Reversible Increases in Lung Water Induced by PEEP in ARDS

In ARDS patients, changing the positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level induced parallel, small and reversible changes in EVLW. These changes were not due to an artefact of the TPTD technique and were likely due to the... read more

Transpulmonary Thermodilution Detects Rapid and Reversible Increases in Lung Water Induced by PEEP in ARDS

Pharmacokinetics and Sedative Effects of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine in Ambulatory Pediatric Patients

These results demonstrate that intranasally (IN) dexmedetomidine is relatively rapidly absorbed and causes significant sedation in pediatric patients. Pharmacokinetics of IN dexmedetomidine in pediatric patients show quite... read more

Pharmacokinetics and Sedative Effects of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine in Ambulatory Pediatric Patients