Tag: study
Antibiotic Resistance just became more complex
Bacteria that are susceptible to antibiotics can survive when enough resistant cells around them are expressing an antibiotic-deactivating factor. This new take on how the microbial context can compromise antibiotic therapy.... read more

Normal Saline as Resuscitation Fluid in Critically Ill
The study of Van Regenmortel et al. indirectly underscores growing equipoise in the expert medical community regarding the presumed harmful effects of NS compared with balanced crystalloids. Future studies, such as the ongoing... read more

Pain Sensitivity Plays a Role in Unrecognized Myocardial Infarction
People who experience unrecognized or silent myocardial infarction may have reduced pain sensitivity compared with those whose Myocardial Infarction is noticed, according to the results of a study recently published online... read more

Meta-Analysis of Therapeutic Hypothermia for Traumatic Brain Injury
Therapeutic hypothermia is likely a beneficial treatment following traumatic brain injuries in adults but cannot be recommended in children.... read more

Professor Wins Outstanding Investigator Award for Lung Disease Antioxidant Studies
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has named the recipient of its inaugural Outstanding Investigator Award: Yvonne Janssen-Heininger, PhD, professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at the Larner College... read more

New Study on Molecular Mechanisms Involved in RILF
Reversible infantile liver failure (RILF) is a heritable mitochondrial condition that causes severe liver dysfunction in infancy, but those who survive the acute stage typically recover and have no further problems. In work... read more

The CAPCRI study on Semi-recumbent positioning
The CAPCRI study(3) conducted by Mireia Llaurado and her team had three aims: to evaluate real semi-recumbent position compliance and degree of head-of-bed elevation in Spanish intensive care units, to describe the relationship... read more

Induced hypothermia not associated with better outcomes for status epilepticus
In this trial, induced hypothermia added to standard care was not associated with significantly better 90-day outcomes than standard care alone in patients with convulsive status epilepticus.... read more

Serum biomarker associated with metformin dosing or use
The growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) is a novel biomarker for the use and dosing of metformin, according to a study published online Dec. 14 in Diabetes Care. 237 serum biomarkers from participants in the Outcome... read more

Study shows Tumor cells move differently than normal cells
Drexel University researchers have found that some tumor cells are unable to move like healthy cells, which could impact the way cancer is spread and treated. The team found that certain tumor cells called fibrosarcoma cannot... read more

Outsourced Hospital Cleaning linked to MRSA
Analysis of English NHS hospitals suggests that employing private as opposed to in-house cleaners is a false economy. While it may reduce costs, it could also raise risk of infection by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus... read more

Different Rest Intervals in Low-load Resistance Training
Acute hormonal responses, as well as chronic changes in muscle hypertrophy and strength in low-load training to failure are independent of the rest interval length.... read more

How nurses support families of ICU patients towards the end of life
Researchers gathered evidence on how nurses care for patients and their families in intensive care when life-sustaining treatment is withdrawn. The included studies explored the care of the family before, during and after... read more

Here is Why COPD Disrupts Lung-Repair Ability
In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the patients' lungs lose their ability to repair damage on their own. Scientists at the Helmholtz Zentrum München, partner in the German Center for Lung Research, now... read more

Reducing Natalizumab Concentration May Reduce PML Risk
Serum concentrations of natalizumab do not appear to rise before patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis are diagnosed with progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, contradicting the hypothesis that exposure... read more

Effectiveness of Pre-Hospital Blood Products
University of Warwick is collaborating with researchers at the NIHR Surgical Reconstruction and Microbiology Research Centre (SRMRC) to support a ground-breaking new study to investigate the effectiveness of giving patients... read more

Milestone-based Assessment for Internal Medicine Residents
This Cross-Sectional study investigates how well correlated are 2 academic rating systems measuring medicine residents' training and whether medical knowledge scores correlate with American Board of Internal Medicine... read more

Uncontrolled Bleeding Stopped By Injectable Viscous Hydrogel
A new study describes a novel embolic agent for endovascular embolization procedures that has a hemostatic activity comparable to that of metallic coils, the current gold standard. The nanocomposite STBs are injected through... read more

Plazomicin Succeeds in Phase 3 cUTI and CRE Trial
Plazomicin an antibiotic being developed to fight multidrug-resistant bacterial infections, has met the primary objective of noninferiority compared with meropenem in a phase 3 registration trial among patients with complicated... read more