Feasibility and Accuracy of ED Frailty Identification in Older Trauma Patients

This prospective study has demonstrated that screening for frailty in older major trauma patients within the Emergency Department is feasible and accurate using Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). Patients age 65 years and... read more

Feasibility and Accuracy of ED Frailty Identification in Older Trauma Patients

Retrospective validation of a risk stratification tool developed for the management of patients with blunt chest trauma

The STUMBL score at a cut‐off of 15 predicted prolonged LOS and a score >18 predicted mortality sufficiently to be clinically useful for these outcomes. The STUMBL Score is composed of five simple predictors; patient... read more

Retrospective validation of a risk stratification tool developed for the management of patients with blunt chest trauma

Barotrauma in Mechanically-ventilated Patients with COVID-2019

Within the limits of a survey, patients with COVID-19 might be at high risk for barotrauma during invasive (and allegedly lung-protective) mechanical ventilation. The response rate was 38/61 (62%). The incidence of... read more

Barotrauma in Mechanically-ventilated Patients with COVID-2019

Rapid detection of clinically-relevant plasma direct oral anticoagulant levels following acute traumatic injury

In urgent clinical situations, such as trauma, urgent surgery or before thrombolysis, rapid quantification of direct oral anticoagulant plasma drug levels is warranted. Using the ClotPro® analyser, we assessed two novel... read more

Rapid detection of clinically-relevant plasma direct oral anticoagulant levels following acute traumatic injury

Apnoeic Oxygenation for Emergency Anaesthesia of Pre-hospital Trauma Patients

Apnoeic oxygenation did not influence peri-intubation oxygen saturations, but it did reduce the frequency and duration of hypoxia in the post-intubation period. Given that apnoeic oxygenation is a simple low-cost intervention... read more

Apnoeic Oxygenation for Emergency Anaesthesia of Pre-hospital Trauma Patients

Trauma ICU Rounds – The rEVOLUTION of ECMO

What are the indications for ECMO beyond ARDS and refractory cardiogenic shock? In which patients should we consider eCPR and is this the new standard of care for patients sustaining out-of-hospital cardiac arrest? Finally,... read more

Trauma ICU Rounds – The rEVOLUTION of ECMO

Epidemiology of Functional Seizures Among Adults Treated at a University Hospital

This case-control study found evidence to support previously reported associations, discovered new associations between functional seizures and PTSD, anxiety, and depression. An association between cerebrovascular disease... read more

Epidemiology of Functional Seizures Among Adults Treated at a University Hospital

Family satisfaction in a neuro trauma ICU

The purpose of this quality improvement initiative was to evaluate satisfaction of family members of patients in a neuro trauma ICU (NTICU). Adult patients (age 18+) admitted to the NTICU for at least 24 hours between... read more

Family satisfaction in a neuro trauma ICU

Endotracheal intubation to reduce aspiration events in acutely comatose patients

Whether intubation results in a reduction in the incidence of aspiration events and whether these are more frequent in patients with low GCS scores are not yet established. The paucity of evidence on this topic makes clinical... read more

Endotracheal intubation to reduce aspiration events in acutely comatose patients

Viscoelastic Hemostatic Assay Augmented Protocols for Major Trauma Hemorrhage

Our international randomized trial has evaluated the role of VHAs to individualize care and augment empiric hemostatic resuscitation in the challenging and time-critical environment of trauma care. Empiric haemostatic therapy... read more

TEG for Hypocoagulable Patients with Non-Traumatic Bleeding

Thromboelastogram (TEG) has been extensively studied in trauma and surgical patients, but has not been well studied in nontraumatic bleeding, nor has its use been well evaluated in the emergency department. This study... read more

TEG for Hypocoagulable Patients with Non-Traumatic Bleeding

Limiting Radiation in Trauma Imaging & Trauma Resuscitation

Appropriate clinical decision-making in the initial evaluation and management of trauma patients in the emergency department is critical to optimize patient outcomes. This supplement provides evidence-based recommendations... read more

Limiting Radiation in Trauma Imaging & Trauma Resuscitation

Turn the Lights On!: A Physician’s Personal Journey from the Darkness of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to Hope, Healing, and Recovery

Often misdiagnosed and misunderstood, traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be a life-altering event which can produce a wide range of symptoms affecting physical as well as psychological health. Indeed, all senses can be affected,... read more

Turn the Lights On!: A Physician’s Personal Journey from the Darkness of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) to Hope, Healing, and Recovery

Quetiapine Decreases Mortality and Improve Neurological Outcomes in Critically-ill TBI Patients

Quetiapine may decrease mortality and improve neurological outcomes in critically-ill traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients. It has a dose-dependent effect to decrease intracranial pressure (ICP) and increase cerebral perfusion... read more

Quetiapine Decreases Mortality and Improve Neurological Outcomes in Critically-ill TBI Patients

Computer Tomographic Assessment of Gastric Volume in Major Trauma Patients

In major trauma patients, overall stomach volume deriving from food, fluids and air must be expected to be around 400–500 mL. Gastric dilation caused by air is common but not typically associated with pre-hospital airway... read more

Computer Tomographic Assessment of Gastric Volume in Major Trauma Patients

Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH)

For most patients, the best treatment seems to be high-quality supportive care. Aggressive interventions (e.g., causing dramatic drops in blood pressure and "prophylactic" hypertonic saline) may cause more harm than good. Cerebellar... read more

Intracerebral Hemorrhage (ICH)

Haloperidol for Treatment of Headache in the ED

Headache is a common chief complaint that emergency physicians encounter almost every day and sometimes multiple times in each shift. In fact, headache is the fifth leading cause of patients presenting to the emergency department... read more

Haloperidol for Treatment of Headache in the ED

TOP KNIFE: The Art & Craft of Trauma Surgery

A practical guide to operative trauma surgery for residents and registrars, for general surgeons with an interest in trauma, and for isolated surgeons operating on wounded patients in military, rural or humanitarian settings.... read more

TOP KNIFE: The Art & Craft of Trauma Surgery

Hydrocortisone Prevents Immunosuppression by interleukin-10+ Natural Killer Cells After Trauma-Hemorrhage

These data demonstrate that trauma-induced immunosuppression is characterized by an interleukin-10-dependent elimination of dendritic cell by natural killer cells and that hydrocortisone improves outcome by limiting this... read more

Hydrocortisone Prevents Immunosuppression by interleukin-10+ Natural Killer Cells After Trauma-Hemorrhage

Translational simulation for rapid transformation of health services, using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic preparation

Healthcare simulation has significant potential for helping health services to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. Rapid changes to care pathways and processes needed for protection of staff and patients may be facilitated by... read more

Translational simulation for rapid transformation of health services, using the example of the COVID-19 pandemic preparation

Phenotypic Heterogeneity by Site of Infection in Surgical Sepsis

There are notable differences in baseline predisposition, host responses, and clinical outcomes by site of infection in surgical sepsis. While previous studies have focused on differences in hospital mortality, this study... read more

Phenotypic Heterogeneity by Site of Infection in Surgical Sepsis