Vasoactive Agents in Cardiogenic Shock Related to AMI and ADHF

Cardiogenic shock (CS) is a heterogeneous condition associated with exceptionally high mortality rates, despite significant advances in the field of cardiology. The primary causes of CS are myocardial infarction-related CS... read more

Effect on Norepinephrine Administration Timing on Prognosis of Septic Shock Patients

Norepinephrine initiation ≤1 h is associated with lower 28-day mortality in patients with septic shock. Early norepinephrine administration is also associated with a shorter time to achieve MAP ≥65 mmHg, lower 24-h intravenous... read more

Efficacy of β-Blockers in Decreasing Mortality in Sepsis and Septic Shock Patients

This study suggests that the use of β-blockers in sepsis and septic shock patients is associated with a significant decrease in in-hospital mortality and also associated with better patient outcomes. As β-blockers cause... read more

BPRI and Clinical Outcomes in Patients with Septic Shock

Use of the novel dose-effect index, Blood Pressure Response Index (BPRI) was proposed to allow rapid bedside assessment of the reactivity of septic shock patients to vasoactive drugs, as isolated MAP or VIS cannot reflect... read more

Vasoconstriction in Septic Shock

Septic shock is associated with endothelial dysfunction leading to arterial and venous dilation, alterations in regional blood flow distribution, and microcirculatory disturbances. Fluids and vasopressors are the key... read more

Cardiac Arrest Following Prone Positioning

The complications that can arise from the prone position are often underestimated. Proceduralists, surgeons, and anesthesiologists need to be thoroughly knowledgeable about the common physiological changes that can occur... read more

Hydroxocobalamin Treatment for Vasoplegia-associated Shock

Vasoplegia is generally defined as prolonged vasodilation due to a pathological decrease in systemic vascular resistance, which causes persistent hypotension even in the setting of normal or increased cardiac output. Vasoplegia... read more

Hydroxocobalamin Treatment for Vasoplegia-associated Shock

Microbial Endocrinology: Interkingdom Signaling in Infectious Disease and Health

This new edition highlights the numerous advances made in the field of microbial endocrinology over the last five years. Prominent among these new topics featured is the emergence of the microbiota-gut-brain axis and the... read more

Microbial Endocrinology: Interkingdom Signaling in Infectious Disease and Health

Immediate Norepinephrine vs. Initial Fluid Loading

In endotoxemic shock, immediate start of norepinephrine significantly improved regional splanchnic and intestinal microcirculatory flows when compared with mandatory fixed-dose fluid loading preceding norepinephrine. Immediate... read more

Immediate Norepinephrine vs. Initial Fluid Loading

High Dose Insulin and Euglycemia Therapy for Beta-adrenergic Receptor Treatment and Calcium Channel Antagonists Overdose

High dose insulin with dextrose supplementation is indicated for patients with calcium channel blocker and beta blocker overdose and signs of cardiac toxicity. Mechanisms are not completely elucidated, but mostly related... read more

High Dose Insulin and Euglycemia Therapy for Beta-adrenergic Receptor Treatment and Calcium Channel Antagonists Overdose

Epinephrine vs. Norepinephrine in Cardiac Arrest Patients with Post-resuscitation Shock

Among patients with post-resuscitation shock after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, use of epinephrine was associated with higher all-cause and cardiovascular-specific mortality, compared with norepinephrine infusion. Until... read more

Epinephrine vs. Norepinephrine in Cardiac Arrest Patients with Post-resuscitation Shock

Septic Shock and Vasopressor Initiation: Why Earlier is Better

An overview of vasopressor management, current evidence and when to initiate vasopressor therapy for best possible patient outcome. Vasopressor management is a cornerstone in the haemodynamic management of septic shock... read more

Septic Shock and Vasopressor Initiation: Why Earlier is Better

Ventriculo-Arterial Coupling Analysis Predicts the Hemodynamic Response to Norepinephrine in Hypotensive Postoperative Patients

In patients with arterial hypotension norepinephrine increased end-systolic ventricular elastance and arterial elastance. The effects of norepinephrine on stroke volume depend on baseline ventriculo-arterial coupling. Although... read more

Ventriculo-Arterial Coupling Analysis Predicts the Hemodynamic Response to Norepinephrine in Hypotensive Postoperative Patients

Equipotent Ratios for the Most Common Vasopressors

Calculating equipotent doses between vasopressor agents is necessary in clinical practice and research pertaining to the management of shock. This scoping review summarizes conversion ratios between vasopressors and provides... read more

Equipotent Ratios for the Most Common Vasopressors

The Truth About High-Dose Insulin

The agent involved when our poison center is consulted about cases of calcium channel blocker (CCB) poisoning these days is almost invariably amlodipine. Quite often, the clinical team will be reaching for high-dose insulin... read more

The Truth About High-Dose Insulin

Norepinephrine Dosing Error Associated with Multiple Health System Vulnerabilities

Vasopressors are commonly used in the treatment of shock to support blood pressure, cardiac output, and end-organ perfusion. These agents are associated with risk of serious adverse effects including ischemia (e.g. stroke,... read more

Norepinephrine Dosing Error Associated with Multiple Health System Vulnerabilities

Enteral Nutrition Can Be Given to Patients on Vasopressors

Most all recent studies show Enteral Nutrition (EN) can be delivered safely to patients on vasopressors. In fact, many studies show an outcome benefit of early EN (EEN) in ICU patients who are receiving vasopressors. It... read more

Enteral Nutrition Can Be Given to Patients on Vasopressors

Intermittent Hemodialysis for Managing Metabolic Acidosis During Resuscitation of Septic Shock

Favorable changes in physiologic and biochemical variables and norepinephrine dependency were observed after IHD in patients with septic shock complicated by metabolic acidosis during resuscitation. Further studies are needed... read more

Intermittent Hemodialysis for Managing Metabolic Acidosis During Resuscitation of Septic Shock

Early vs. Delayed Administration of Norepinephrine in Patients with Septic Shock

This study investigated the incidence of delayed norepinephrine administration following the onset of septic shock and its effect on hospital mortality. Our results show that early administration of norepinephrine in... read more

Early vs. Delayed Administration of Norepinephrine in Patients with Septic Shock

Septic Shock and the Use of Norepinephrine IMCU

Elderly patients with septic shock treated with norepinephrine (NE) displayed a better Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU) survival at the ward and at 30 days than previously expected. Our retrospective chart study did not... read more

Septic Shock and the Use of Norepinephrine IMCU