Tag: oxygen
NHF Oxygen During Apnoea on Hypoxemia and Intubation Success in Pediatric Emergency and ICU
The use of nasal high-flow (NHF) during emergency intubation in children did not result in a reduction in hypoxemic events or an increase in the frequency of successful intubation on the first attempt. However, in the... read more
Early Weaning From Invasive Mechanical Ventilation via HFNO vs. Conventional Weaning in ARF Patients
In patients with resolving acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (ARF), early extubation with high flow nasal oxygen is feasible and provides a better alternative to conventional weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation,... read more
Sodium Bicarbonate In In-Hospital and Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac arrest is a common cause of death worldwide. Sodium bicarbonate (SB) has commonly been used during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to correct metabolic acidosis (MA). However, the existence of evidence about its... read more
Anticoagulation Among COVID-19 Patients
In this prospectively designed meta-analysis of randomized trials, administration of therapeutic- compared with prophylactic-dose anticoagulation with heparins to patients hospitalized for COVID-19 was associated with 23%... read more
Early Antiviral Use and Supplemental Oxygen Decrease the Risk of Secondary Bacterial Infections
This nested case control study shows that early use of antiviral agents and non-invasive oxygen supplementation leads to decreased susceptibility to secondary bacterial infections. On the other hand, use of antibiotics... read more
Relationship between Concentrations of Oxygen and Levels of Oxidative Stress in Patients Receiving Oxygen Therapy for Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia
We evaluated the potential of high-flow oxygen therapy to increase oxidative stress and inflammation in COVID-19 patients. Our observation of decreased MDA levels when transitioning hypertensive patients from high-flow to... read more
Oxygen Therapy and Noninvasive Respiratory Supports in Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
Whereas oxygen supplementation should be initiated for patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure defined as PaO2 below 60 mm Hg or SpO2 ... read more
Oxygen Therapy in Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure
Although largely used, the place of oxygen therapy and its devices in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (ARF) deserves to be clarified. The French Intensive Care Society (Société de Réanimation de Langue... read more
Conservative or Liberal Oxygen Targets in Patients on VA-ECMO
In adults receiving VA-ECMO in the ICU, a conservative compared to a liberal oxygen strategy did not affect the number of ICU-free days to day 28, nor any other measurable patient outcomes up to 6 months after ICU admission.... read more
COVID-19 in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
Solid Organ Transplant (SOT) recipients are at high risk of severe coronavirus disease-2019. Prior to the availability of vaccination, passive immunotherapies and effective antiviral therapeutics, the outcomes of COVID-19... read more

Hemodynamic Monitoring (Lessons from the ICU)
This book, part of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine textbook series, teaches readers how to use hemodynamic monitoring, an essential skill for today's intensivists. It offers a valuable guide for beginners,... read more

Association Between Dexamethasone Treatment for COVID-19 Patients and Rates of Hospital Readmission and Mortality
Current guidelines recommend use of dexamethasone, 6 mg/d, up to 10 days or until discharge for patients hospitalized with COVID-19. Whether patients who received less than 10 days of corticosteroids during hospitalization... read more

Epidemiology and Outcomes of Critically Ill Children at Risk for PARDS
The Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference “at-risk for pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome” criteria identify critically ill children at high risk of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome... read more

Study Supports Remdesivir Treatment for COVID-19 Patients on Low-Flow Oxygen or No Oxygen
Remdesivir treatment increased the likelihood of clinical improvement in COVID-19 patients on low-flow oxygen or no oxygen, according to a new study by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg... read more

High-Flow Oxygen Therapy vs. Conventional Oxygen Therapy on Invasive Mechanical Ventilation in COVID-19 Patients
Among patients with severe COVID-19, use of high-flow oxygen through a nasal cannula significantly decreased need for mechanical ventilation support and time to clinical recovery compared with conventional low-flow oxygen... read more

Impact of Mobilization on Vital Signs and Oxygen Saturation in Open-Heart Surgery
Early and frequent mobilization did not cause vital signs and oxygen saturation to deviate from normal limits in open-heart surgery patients. The difference between pulse and systolic blood pressure values measured before... read more

Nitrous Oxide Avoidance for Patients Undergoing Major Surgery
Avoidance of nitrous oxide and the concomitant increase in inspired oxygen concentration decreases the incidence of complications after major surgery, but does not significantly affect the duration of hospital stay. The... read more

Cerebral Oxygen Saturation and Autoregulation During Hypotension in Extremely Preterm Infants
Dopamine had no effect on rScO2 compared to placebo in hypotensive infants. Hypotension and cerebral hypoxia are associated with early intraventricular hemorrhage or death. Prospective cohort study of blinded rScO2 measurements... read more

Effect of Helmet Noninvasive Ventilation vs. High-Flow Nasal Oxygen in Patients with COVID-19
Among patients with COVID-19 and moderate to severe hypoxemia, treatment with helmet noninvasive ventilation, compared with high-flow nasal oxygen, resulted in no significant difference in the number of days free of respiratory... read more

Apremilast Not Likely to Reduce Time to Recovery or Mortality in Critically Ill Patients in I-SPY COVID-19 Trial
Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative (QLHC), the sponsor of the I-SPY COVID Trial, announced that apremilast (Otezla), made by Amgen, has been dropped for futility. Apremilast was chosen for testing in the I-SPY COVID Trial... read more

Medical oxygen crisis: a belated COVID-19 response
More than a year into the pandemic, global health agencies have set up a taskforce to address the vast unmet demand for medical oxygen. The global pandemic response mechanism, the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator (ACT-A),... read more

RECOVERY trial shows tocilizumab reduces deaths in patients hospitalised with COVID-19
The NIHR-supported RECOVERY trial has shown that tocilizumab - an anti-inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis treatment - reduces the risk of death for hospitalised patients with severe COVID-19. Researchers also found that... read more